  1. ホーム
  2.  > OCTOBER 14 - Art/Theory/Criticism/Politics - Fall 1980 オクトーバー

OCTOBER 14 - Art/Theory/Criticism/Politics - Fall 1980 オクトーバー

OCTOBER 14 - Art/Theory/Criticism/Politics - Fall 1980 オクトーバー
品番 :17120921546
品名 :OCTOBER 14 - Art/Theory/Criticism/Politics - Fall 1980 オクトーバー
著者 :Rosalind Krauss : Edito マヤデレン ベイトソン
出版社:r,the MIT Press
状態:可 背小ヨゴレ、天部シミ

Art and Anthropology: The Crossroads

An Introduction to the Notebook of Maya Deren, 1947
Catrina Neiman

An Exchange of Letters between Maya Deren and Gregory Bateson
Maya Deren and Gregory Bateson

From the Notebook of Maya Deren, 1947

On Reading Deren's Notebook
Annette Michelson

Letters from Mexico to Maxim Strauch and Ilya Trauberg
Sergei Eisenstein and Tanaquil Taubes

Bayreuth: The Centennial "Ring"
Annette Michelson

Chereau's Treachery
Jean-Jacques Nattiez and Thomas Repensek

A Conversation
Pierre Boulez, Michel Fano and Thomas Repensek
